About Countrywide Legal


Countrywide Legal Services Scotland is an experienced legal services company, specialising in Estate Planning. We utilise the skills of highly qualified people to help you to ensure your wealth goes to the right people, at the right time and in the most efficient manner.


We work with many satisfied clients of our own and referrals from our clients. Further to this we also work closely with other professionals such as solicitors, barristers, accountants & financial advisers, both serving their clients, but also utilising their skills to help our clients achieve their goals.


Our initial consultation is always free and without obligation. It is our belief that we start with education and explanation so we can ensure you are fully aware of all the options. Based on this foundation you are best able to make informed decisions in respect of these very important matters.


If your home was inherited by someone else's children rather than your own? Can you afford for your estate to pay excessive or unnecessary legal fees? What would you do if Social Services put your children into care? Anyone who doesn't have a Will is said to die intestate. The State then writes your Will for you.

This rarely matches your wishes. Mainly because it attempts to balance the rights of family members, with competing interests. If you have children, property or other assets over £5,000 you should have a valid up-to-date Will to ensure that your wishes, regarding the distribution of your estate, are known and followed.

When you have a Will your wishes will be respected after you have died. You can nominate the executors you want and appoint guardians of your choice, avoid costly legal fees and make gifts to loved ones. It also enables you to protect your home, mitigate Inheritance Tax and protect young beneficiaries.

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In association with Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Ltd